posted September 12, 2017 under God's forgiveness, God's love, repentance, straying from God
Yesterday, we celebrated the life of a 95-year-old mother of eight children. Her final words were, “Where are all my children?” She loved her children, so her words weren’t surprising because it was typical of her when she was in better health. She enjoyed having her children near. When I filled in for them and sat with…
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posted August 22, 2017 under Blessings, Difficult relationships, Good days, How to respond to evil
Last minute plans prevented me from preparing a blog for today. Rather than post my thoughts, I’d like to share words from the Lord that have been life-giving for me. The Lord directed me to this passage when I found myself drowning in depression caused by painful, caustic relationships that I didn’t know how to turn around. I went…
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posted August 15, 2017 under prayer, Signs, Signs of the times, Solar eclipse, Watch and pray
We are so accustomed to signs that we don’t realize how much they dictate our actions. They tell us where we are, when to stop or yield, how fast we should go, and where to turn. They tell us where to buy doughnuts or clothing, where to spend the night, how much gas costs, or where…
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posted August 8, 2017 under Being empowered, Impacting the world, Wait, Waiting on God, Waiting on the Lord
While dealing with the government, it’s said that you have to hurry up to wait. The same is true for gardening. In the Spring, you’re eager to plant and you hurry to get seeds in the ground as soon as the soil is warm enough. Then you wait and watch for the seeds to sprout…
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posted August 1, 2017 under depending on God, Strengths, Struggles, Trials, weaknesses
A friend is in the midst of a trial that blind-sided her. She said, “I don’t understand. Am I doing something wrong? How do I get in messes like this? They seem to follow me around. What have I done?” My understanding and perspective are limited, but I told her that her problem was her big…
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posted July 25, 2017 under importance of words, life and death, Share life, show love
In a short video of a niece learning to say Mama, the camera was focused on the child, but you could hear her mother in the background saying, “Say Mama.” After a bit of encouragement, Eva finally said a very clear, “Maaa Maa” She then glowed under her mother’s praise. One little word brought great…
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posted July 18, 2017 under complete in Christ, Growing in Christ-likeness, growing in righteousness, joy, Rejoice, righteous, Suffering, Trials
What do you want your Christian walk to be like? In other words, what do you want God to do in your heart and life as you walk with and serve Him? I want to reflect the heart of God. I’d like to grow in righteousness, peace, joy, and holiness. I’d like to have a…
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posted July 11, 2017 under cleansing, forgiveness, hidden sin, Sin
Our neighbors have a June apple tree in their back yard. They’re generous folks and allow us to take all the apples we want, and they’ve never complained about the occasional apple pie that comes back their way. The one disadvantage is that they aren’t serious about growing apples. To them it’s mostly an ornamental tree, so…
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posted July 4, 2017 under 4th of July, America, Celebrate blessings, Pray for America, USA
As we celebrate July 4th, we have much to be thankful for in America. We enjoy freedom of thought, speech, worship, and of opportunity. People flock to America seeking the liberty to follow their dreams. They overcome deprivation and hardship in order to begin a new life. Many of those who came to America with…
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posted June 20, 2017
Anger. It’s all around us. In the air, in the news, on the streets, for many—far too many—it’s in the home, the workplace, the classrooms. Even at ball practice. Is there no place that is safe from anger? I’m still alarmed by how it has become acceptable to erupt in anger. It seems all restraints have…
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