posted January 26, 2019 under Covington Catholic response, Judge not, Judgment, Love enemies, Love in response to attack
A short video of students from Kentucky had news reports and social media buzzing this past week. The teens were faulted and demonized because of false assumptions concerning their actions and motives. They had participated in the March for Life and were waiting for buses to return home from DC when they came under brutal…
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posted November 11, 2018 under forgiveness, freedom from sin, from duty to life, love, Sin, toxins
(Part 1) When I was 9-years-old, I made a public profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It was a very serious step for me. I understood that I was a sinner, that Jesus gave His life to pay for my sins, and that I now owed my life to Him. I was a…
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posted November 6, 2018 under Fat, Fellowship with God, Giving to God, Hindrances to fellowship with God, Loving God, Pleasing God, sacrifice
As a child, I was taught to give God my best. We wore our “Sunday clothes” to church, made sure our hair was clean and shiny, and polished our shoes on Saturday night so they would sparkle on Sunday. All six of us children were given money for Sunday School, at least until we started helping…
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posted October 25, 2018
Greetings! I’ve missed you. I’ve missed writing blogs and have missed hearing your responses. The break in communication is my problem. I dropped the ball and I apologize for my lack of faithfulness. I haven’t been incapacitated, but have had a difficult time adjusting to increased opportunities to minister coupled with greater responsibilities to see them…
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posted August 1, 2018 under Cultural decay, grief, Hope for today, immorality, repentance, Standing against adversity
Grief has many faces. The sudden loss of a loved one causes a deep wound and a void that can’t be filled. In contrast, the loss of my mother through fifteen years of Alzheimer’s was a slow, agonizing grief, a heartache that slowly grew deeper until her passing brought relief, mixed with deep loss. Some grief…
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posted July 17, 2018 under comfort, Consider your ways, grace for trials, hope, Obedience, Struggles, Suffering
When driving, we consider everything around us and adjust our alertness and speed depending on the conditions. Likewise, when choosing what to wear, we consider our plans and the weather. We also adjust what we say to fit our audience. We constantly consider things as we make decisions concerning what we will say and do.…
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posted March 1, 2018 under Billy Graham, honoring Billy Graham, Humility, lessons for effective life, obeience to God, prayer, success in life
Dr. Billy Graham was known as a friend of Presidents, pastor of America, and was preacher to millions, and yet he was humble, kind, and caring to everyone he met. His message of Jesus’ love, forgiveness, and salvation was shared all over the world. He was loved. His passing is deeply grieved, and he will be…
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posted February 14, 2018 under God's love, love, Sacrificial love, Valentine's
I never questioned my parents’ love, even though ours wasn’t a family that frequently said, “I love you,” or spoke any similar words of affirmation. Neither did we hug a lot, but we were family. We worked together, played together, and prayed together. We were also spanked when we needed it. Furthermore, we straightened up…
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posted January 16, 2018 under Animosity vs Joy, Destruction vs Life, Hatred vs Love, Self-centeredness vs Humility and Respect, Strife vs Peace
What kind of world do you want for 2018? One full of confusion, self-centeredness, animosity, judgment, bitterness, hatred, and strife? Or one of humility, love, respect, harmony, peace, and joy? More descriptive words are unnecessary, because the answer is obvious. What is not so obvious is how to get from here to there. The negative is…
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posted January 1, 2018
Happy New Year! May you prosper and be in good health in 2018! And so our greetings go, as we make resolutions to make our own coming year better than the last. The changing of the calendar brings making resolutions, thoughts of new beginnings, and hope and plans for days to come. That’s fine and…
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