Robert & Kay Camenisch encouraging and equipping relationships


“The Great Exchange takes a fresh look at the story of the Bible in light of the unifying and integrating theme of covenant.  Instead of applying a covenant lens or model to the Bible, the authors show how the covenant is the framework that emerges from and shapes the whole story of redemption.  The covenant structure running throughout the whole Bible brings all the parts of the story into meaningful relationship with one another, building up to the what and why of the Cross.

“One of the interesting aspects of the book is the way covenant is described broadly within the context of the Bible and culture, even cultures up to the present.  Seven parts of covenant ritual are described, common in both biblical and extra-biblical cultures.  The Old Testament stories seen in light of the covenant actions and meanings take on a fresh focus and coherence, together with an intensifying build-up to the climax at the Cross.

“The Great Exchange is a bit unusual, and hard to put into a tight category.  At one level it is disturbing to our Western squeamishness about blood, especially blood and religion.  At another level, it is a really non-complicated telling of the Bible story, a good survey of familiar stories, however, with a fresh consistency and depth of meaning.  This reader at least was pleasantly surprised by the connection of the biblical covenant with current cultural expressions such as “blood brothers,” “blood is thicker than water,” etc.  The meaning of a covenant commitment, of a deep bonding between two individuals, of lives joined forever gave new appreciation for the blood of Jesus for me.”  —Paul B. Long, Jr. PhD, ‒Adjunct at Reformed Theological Seminary at Jackson and Belhaven University


“Understanding the blood covenant ties the Old and New Testaments together in a way I have never seen before. I’ll never read the Bible the same again.” —Chris


“It is exciting to see how the blood covenant . . .is an exciting principle that God used when giving Salvation to men! Before, I never knew that I was actually renewing the covenant every time I take communion. I am excited about this truth , and can’t wait to share it with someone else!” —Philip


“My heart and life has been touched, and changed . . . . The blood covenant . . . has affected my view of God, and of Christ’s sacrifice.” —Mary Ruth


“I have grown in my love for the Lord, my appreciation for what He’s done for me, and in my faith in a steadfast & Sovereign God!” —Kathryn


“I have become so excited about living in the Lord as a “blood sister.” —Ana


“I have, for so long, only felt like I could be God’s servant. He could be my friend, but I couldn’t really be His—I have nothing to offer…. That story [David and Mephibosheth] made me see that Jesus WANTS me as His friend, & I was more than slightly overwhelmed at that expression of my Saviors love.” —Johanna


“I must admit that at first I thought I’d have a hard time finding application for my life from the blood covenant lesson, but I was just overwhelmed. The greatness of God’s love for me & what He’s done really impressed upon my heart.” —Casey


“The way the old covenant and new covenant relate and how the blood covenant works gave me a new understanding of my relationship with God—it’s exciting to have a picture of how I am one with God because of my relationship with his son” —Christy


“Understanding ‘blood covenant,’ as you have expounded it from scripture and living illustrations, HAS made a difference for me in my relationship with Jesus Christ. For example, the paradigm of David & Jonathan as explained regarding Mephibosheth powerfully unites my heart with my Savior. Communion has become more meaningful. The cross has renewed significance. Marriage is even more sacred, precious, and unbreakable. And God certainly has a covenant relationship with the Church and me.” —Gene, a pastor


“The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him;

and he will show them his covenant.” —Ps. 25:14