posted April 4, 2017 under Death, Kingdom living, Life in Christ, Resurrection, Victorious life
Robert and I were in the car when he broke the silence, “Do you realize that you can’t have resurrection without first having death?” I thought, “That’s true,” But as I contemplated on the reality that Jesus had to die before He could be resurrected, the Lord said, “It’s true for your life too. You…
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posted March 28, 2017 under Finding joy, Goa, joy, l in life Fellowship with God
What do you enjoy in life? What are the top three things that bring you joy? (If you haven’t chosen three things, please do so before reading on. It will help if you’ve considered your answers.) Do you make those things a priority in your life? Last week, I expressed the opinion that Jesus’ primary goal…
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posted March 21, 2017 under Glorifying God, Jesus purpose, knowing God, Our calling, self-serving religion
Why did Jesus come to earth? Seriously, answer the question before you read further. What do you think was His primary purpose for coming to earth? Did you answer, “To die on the cross and save us from our sin?” That’s what most people who follow Jesus say. It’s true that He came to save us from…
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posted March 14, 2017 under Darkness, Depression, help, Helplessness, hope, Hopelessness, joy, light, Peace, Worry
Do you know someone who is on the path to destruction? Someone making the wrong choices in life and unwilling to listen to counsel—or unable to overcome addiction so they can make reasoned choices. It’s heartbreaking to watch them self-destruct. If you’re close to the situation, you feel helpless as you watch and can do…
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posted March 8, 2017 under abide, love, Parenting, strong faith, training children
I’m grateful my children are reared, on their own, and doing well. I miss them and wish they weren’t so scattered so I could still share daily life with them. However, I’m grateful they’re thriving adults because parenting isn’t easy. Today, life’s temptations are more alluring and more deadly today than they were just a…
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posted February 28, 2017 under Conflict, hearing, listening, Peace, rifts, schism, Unity
Listening? I’m tired of listening. I’m tempted to block some people because their pressure for me to conform to their way of thinking wears me out. Protests, shouting, and strong language make me want to close my ears and turn my back. Even people with compatible viewpoints try my patience when they push hard and feel manipulative,…
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posted February 14, 2017 under How to celebrate Valentines if you don't have a sweetheart, love, never-failing love, Real love, Valentine's
Happy Valentine’s—to all who feel a little left out on Valentine’s Day as well as all who have a sweetheart to share your heart with. It’s good for couples to be reminded to be sweet, kind, and loving to each other. After all, in most marriages, the honeymoon wears off entirely too quickly, such that niceties…
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posted February 7, 2017 under Bless others, Broken relationships, Restored relationships, Steps to Reconciliation
Recently, two different people have asked, “What can I do to mend a relationship with a relative when I don’t know of anything I’ve done wrong?” In both cases, the questioners had no idea what they had done wrong, but people close to them won’t even greet them when they accidentally meet in a crowd. They…
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posted January 31, 2017 under Conflict, Finding peace, God is sovereign, Maintaining peace, Peace, Strife, Turmoil
Are you as tired of discord and a combative attitude as I am? I’m weary of exaggerations, name-calling, and lies to put others down and gain advantage. I hoped after the election we would find a measure of peace, it hasn’t happened. In fact, it seems more discordant because our very system of government is being challenged…
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posted January 25, 2017
The Women’s March on Washington made quite a statement, but the message was unclear. Marching voices declared mixed causes as their motivation. Some were anit-Trump, some for women’s reproductive rights (pro-abortion), and some for equal pay, among others. (Pro-life groups were not allowed to co-sponsor the event, so it seems the pushers of the march…
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