A recent visit from our children led to an unexpected end.
Our three sons and their families came from out of state for a few days together. With high expectation of a joyous time of fellowship, preparation for their visit kicked into gear weeks ahead of time.
First, I needed to clean and make preparations to sleep 16 extra people for several nights. Beds were made, pads and sleeping bags pulled from storage, and bathrooms cleaned and supplied.
Things in closets had to be moved around so dress-up clothes would be handy to the girls’ room, the cars to the boys, the toy box to the little ones, and so forth. Small details were considered so everything would flow smoothly during our time together.
Meanwhile, joy and excitement built along with anticipation.
Menus were prepared and shopping lists upgraded daily. As much as possible, food was made ahead of time. The card table for extra seating was hidden behind a door close by. Things were ordered so our focus could be on relationships rather than on food and housekeeping concerns.
Down time was used to search the internet for activities that would be fun for all ages and build family connections. Meanwhile, joy-filled days passed quickly as I looked forward to seeing family.
I did have an agenda item for our tech-savvy kids. If, while they were here, they could help with a smart phone question and figure out where most of my contact list (on computer and phone) went, it sure would be a blessing.
As the weekend approached, growing excitement supplied energy to get everything in order before family arrived. Everybody could sleep comfortably, meals could be prepared with minimal effort, and activities for young and old were easily available. We could devote our time and attention to family.
And we did. The time together was all we dreamed of, with one exception. We enjoyed our visit so much that we completely forgot to ask about our need for technical help. It was lost in the glow of love and fellowship with family.
After the last son departed, I sat in the den, resting and reliving special moments of our time together, when suddenly the visit took an unexpected turn.
God interrupted my musing. He asked, “When have you anticipated our time wiith the same enthusiasm and excitement with which you anticipated the time with your children?”
- When had I been so thorough in my preparation?
- When had I worked so hard to avoid all distractions?
- When had I had such high expectation of good fellowship with the Lord?
- When had I been so caught up in the joy of being with Him, that I forgot to submit my requests to Him?
In short, do I delight in the Lord? Do I look forward to my time with Him with great joy and excitement?
Obviously, if I a resoundingly positive response,, He wouldn’t have asked the question. I’m convicted to see how I’ve begun to take the privilege of time with the loving, living, Almighty God for granted.
What about you? Do you look forward to time with the Lord in great joy and excitement?
I anticipated a wonderful time with my children and their children. I didn’t expect the Lord to turn that special time of expectation into an object lesson, but I’m glad He did.
Will you join me in praying that the Lord will quicken your heart to delight in Him? May Micah’s words be true for me and you too:
“But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me” (Micah 7:7)