Robert & Kay Camenisch encouraging and equipping relationships

Going to Work with Dad

Craig shared with me about an Uprooting Anger class he is teaching in a maximum security prison in Florida. After the second class, one of the men told him that he isn’t sure he believes there is a God. Craig assured him that it was ok for him to attend the class if he didn’t…

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You Never Know What a Day Will Bring

I had a phone call from a friend on Sunday. As we talked, she mentioned the death of her husband, saying, “But I think he was mad at me when he died.” His death was close to ten years ago, but their unsettled relationship still haunts her. Within twenty-four hours of our conversation, a killer…

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What to Do When an Important Relationship Turns Sour

It unsettles me when any relationship is out of kilter. Whether with a family member, a co-worker, boss, or friend, I like for relationships to be on friendly terms, and I do what I can to right them when they’re tense. In a close relationship, I am really impacted—torn apart is probably more accurate—if there’s…

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When Independence Is a Problem

Two-year-olds yell, “No! Me do it!” Teens demand of their parents, “Why can’t I go?” In a familiar Anacin commercial in the 1960s, a young housewife demanded, “Mother, please! I’d rather do it myself!” All seek independence. They want to do things their way. I’ve observed a similar attitude in the elderly. Even when unsteady…

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A Major Block to Growth in Christ

“It was all about me and I didn’t care about nothing else.” So said Alexander, as he shared about his journey with anger in a letter he wrote to me. When he was seven years old, Alexander had already been kicked out of two schools because of his anger. He was involved with the law…

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The Potter Knows Best

One of my favorite analogies to help understand the nature of God is the one of the potter and the clay. He is the Master Creator. I’m not a potter, nor am I super creative. However, I have made some Christmas gifts, cross stitch pictures, and quilts. With each, I enjoyed the creative process. The…

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Does the Lord Take Joy in You?

It’s finally Spring! Daffodils herald the season. The grass is turning green and newly plowed fields dot the country side. Buds swell and burst with color as they uncurl and stretch forth into leaves and blossoms. Robins abound, finches are turning bright yellow, and bird songs fill the air. Not to be outdone, thunderstorms are…

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Welcome! Jesus’ Triumphant Welcome Became the Ultimate Sacrifice

I welcomed some visitors to our Sunday worship service and their response was, “Thank you for receiving us.” Their words stuck with me during worship because they seemed so genuinely grateful to be warmly received. It was time for the service to start, so there wasn’t time to visit, but from the brief minute we…

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God Cares for You

Have you ever had hard time trusting God? You know God’s bigger than the Thing before you. You know He’s been faithful in the past. You know your problem is that your faith isn’t big enough—not that God isn’t big enough. But, you still have a hard time fully releasing the problem into God’s hands.…

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