Robert & Kay Camenisch encouraging and equipping relationships

Me? In Bondage?

When inmates have served their time, paid their debt to society, and are released from prison, they are not yet free. They continue to live in bondage. At least that’s what Quovadis Marshall said at the conference of the International Coalition of Prison Evangelists (COPE) in Indianapolis. He has a point. For instance, when inmates are…

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What Did I Do to Deserve This?

Twice lately, I’ve been in conversation with people who asked me, “What did I do to deserve this?” They were speaking of difficult, hurtful, and seemingly unfair treatment from others. I wasn’t part of the happenings and only heard part of one side of the story. I can’t say in either case whether the person deserved…

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Our summer has been hijacked. Renovations have taken over our lives. In early summer, Robert began painting the outside of our big, 100- year-old house. The job is long overdue. We knew it wouldn’t be simple and would take time, but we didn’t know it would rule our whole summer. First, Robert power-washed one side…

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My focus on walls started while listening to a friend share about a marriage crisis. As she talked, I could sense that she’d erected a protective wall, shielding herself from further hurt. I identified with her. I’ve been there and done that. When we feel the pain of flaming darts–whether thrown or imagined– we instinctively put up a wall…

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Preparation for Persecution

Have you ever been persecuted? In His final moments with the disciples, Jesus said, “If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you” (John 15:20). If you live in America, you probably haven’t given persecution much thought, because it hasn’t been a common experience in our sheltered world. After all, our constitution guarantees us freedom of religion. However,…

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Anticipation and Expectation

A recent visit from our children led to an unexpected end. Our three sons and their families came from out of state for a few days together. With high expectation of a joyous time of fellowship, preparation for their visit kicked into gear weeks ahead of time. First, I needed to clean and make preparations to sleep 16 extra people…

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Is Your Mouth Too Full to Fill?

Last week, I questioned what a Christian is suppose to do when life seems overwhelming and no solution is evident. I answered the question with David’s word from Psalm 81:10, “I [God] am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide and I will fill it.”…

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