Marriage: Contract or Covenant?
Is Your marriage a contract or a covenant?
We recently attended a marriage enrichment gathering called Weekend to Remember (which we highly recommend). As the speakers shared, I was again struck by the need for us to know the difference between a contract and a covenant.
A contract is a legal agreement between two parties, with specific conditions outlined for each party. They are legally bound to the pact, but if one party decides they no longer want the contract, they can break it.
God considers marriage to be not just a covenant, but a blood covenant, It involves the sharing of life to seal the agreement. It’s a life-long commitmen and is the strongest legal pact between two parties, which is binding for the lives of those involved. It includes a promise of loyalty, and the sharing of life, protection, and possessions. The two become one with two expressions.
Our marriage ceremony includes many traditions that evolved from the ancient ceremony of cutting a covenant, but the understanding and the commitments made by the wedding couple today more closely resemble making a contract. If they become dissatisfied with the arrangement because it isn’t meeting personal felt needs, it’s easy to break the contract and move on.
A covenant marriage is a legal commitment of love, loyalty, and sharing life together “as long as we both shall live,” or “until death do us part.” There is no separation clause as long as the two are faithful. Marriage is not just a contract. It was intended by God to be a blood covenant.
In Ephesians 5:31-32, Paul describes marriage as the two becoming one flesh, calls it a great mystery, and compares it to Christ and the church.
Therefore, we need to understand that while a covenant marriage has many benefits for us, it has a greater, much more eternal purpose. It is to glorify God by modeling the relationship between Christ and the church. It is to be a visible testimony of God’s relationship to His earthly family.
If you’d like to know more about Blood Covenant, check out The Great Exchange: Bound by Blood, which explores the ancient ritual of cutting a blood covenant. It explores the seven commitments, or exchanges, that comprise the ancient ritual and the significance of each one. In addition, it explains how these ancient rituals are still part of the marriage ceremony today.
In addition it studies the beginning of the covenant between God and mankind and reveals how that covenant was passed down and remained strong through the generations as God remained faithful to His covenant promises.
(If you struggle with reading, contact us about having a seminar or private tutoring. We believe this truth will enhance your understanding of how much God loves and cares for you.)