Life Lessons from Billy Graham
Dr. Billy Graham was known as a friend of Presidents, pastor of America, and was preacher to millions, and yet he was humble, kind, and caring to everyone he met. His message of Jesus’ love, forgiveness, and salvation was shared all over the world.
He was loved. His passing is deeply grieved, and he will be missed, even though he’s been out of the limelight for years. Billy Graham was loved because his love for God and others was genuine and because he practiced what he preached. He will be missed for his message as well as for who he was.
As I’ve read and watched reviews of the life of Billy Graham, testimonies of those who knew him well confirm his reputation and offer encouragement. He was faithful to his God, leading to a legendary life because of his impact on others.
Billy Graham would be the first to say that he was just a man. He grew up on a farm and milked cows. He didn’t plan to be famous or the world’s greatest evangelist. In his early days, he did dream of being known and loved the world over.
Several things about his life set him apart, leading to his effectiveness as a preacher and popularity. We can learn things from this humble man that could help us have better lives and more effective ministry.
- Billy Graham was available to God. He acknowledged Jesus as his Lord, not just his Savior. He surrendered his life to serve the Lord, rather than being content to spend eternity in heaven. His life was no longer his own.
- Billy Graham knew his call from God and embraced it. He gave his life to fulfill that call, sacrificing to share his love for Jesus and give hope and life to the lost. We can’t all be Billys, but, we are called to share the good news of Jesus’ love. If we respond with commitment and sacrifice, we can impact our world—even if our particular call is not so public.
- Billy Graham showed respect, kindness, and caring to all. He cared for people, not for status, class, race, or wealth, and he reached out to “the least of these” that he met. If we do the same, doors will open for us. Like Billy Graham, we can share love and the good news of Jesus as opportunities open in our daily lives.
- He depended on God. He was a praying man. Billy Graham prayed for those he ministered to, and he prayed while hiding in his prayer closet. He knew it wasn’t about Billy Graham but about the work God wanted to do in people’s lives. He sought the Lord for direction, for strength, and for power. (See Matt. 19:26.)
- He was humble, never seeking the limelight, never taking the credit. He knew it was all about Jesus. He deflected praise to God for the things that were accomplished through him, giving God the glory.
- People faithfully prayed for Billy Graham and his work. For every crusade, there was a prayer team and a prayer room. People prayed before, during, and after every event. We may not have a team of prayer warriors supporting us. But, is it because we don’t ask—even when we know we need it? We can also join in ministry as we pray for our pastor, for family, Sunday School class or small group, members of our church, missionaries, ministries in our communities, and so forth. Part of the success of Billy Graham is due to faithful prayer warriors. As we support others, we share in the impact they are making.
I grieve the earth’s loss of Billy Graham, but rejoice as I think of his welcome at the throne of God. What a celebration! And yet, Billy Graham was just a man.
If we take lessons from his life, God can use us too. We have the same resources through Jesus Christ. If we surrender to Him, and remain available and obedient to Him, the sky is the limit as we allow ourselves to be tools in His hands. Our call may not be so public, but we have the same opportunity to receive a “Well done!” from the One whom we serve.
And that’s what it’s all about.