Robert & Kay Camenisch encouraging and equipping relationships

God With Us

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God (John 1:1-2). . . .

Jesus Christ was in the beginning. He was here before time began. He was with God. Indeed, He was–and is–God.

“Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;” (Gen 1:26)

God placed Adam and Eve in a beautiful garden, built for their enjoyment. He visited with them in the cool of the evening—until His created beings chose to eat enticing fruit rather than obey. They were driven from the garden, their sweet fellowship broken.

In order to re-establish intimacy with man, God established a blood covenant—the closest bond possible—with Abraham , including his family and his descendants forever. But His children kept going their own way. For generations, they rejected God.

“And being found in appearance as a man, [Jesus] humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross” (Phil. 2:8).

Jesus—the Almighty, the Creator, the living God–humbled Himself by leaving His heavenly home and coming to earth. Because of His love for us, He chose to walk among man, even though He’d been rejected so many times before.

His loved us so much that He came to earth as a baby even though He knew He would die a cruel death on a cross, paying the debt for sins so we could truly fellowship with Him.

We celebrate Jesus’ birth and resurrection months apart, but the two must be linked to tell the whole story. Jesus came to earth in order to die for us. He walked the earth and experienced the scorn of the multitudes, all for us.

The manger has a cross behind it, looming over it. Jesus humbled Himself to be born on earth—even in a manger. He humbled Himself to die for us—even a cruel death on a cross. All because He loved you and me so much.

He humbles Himself still, by living in hearts that, like Adam and Eve’s, are wooed and torn by the enticing fruit of our own desires and of the world around us. In spite of our fallen nature, He is Emmanuel, God with us. 

It’s too much to grasp, too wonderful to understand. And yet, it is true. Indeed, it is Truth. The holy, living, all-powerful, Creator and God desires to be with us. He desires and intimate relationship with us.

In this busy, glitzy, season, filled with enticing fruit, I pray that you will find time to wonder at the reason for our celebration. May you experience the joy, peace, and fellowship that is found in Him. Emmanuel, God with us.